Great Deals Down Under

While Americans are busting out the SPF 55, lawn chairs and oversized sunglasses, Australians are preparing for the winter. However, an Australian winter is not what it seems for they experience a much milder winter than any northerner can comprehend. Michelle Higgins, reporter for the New York Times, outlines the discounted prices in travel due to the struggling economy and also provides some great deals for those interested in checking out the land down under this summer (their winter). Enjoy the excerpts!

“A number of factors are making Australia look like a steal this summer. Just as the winter season in Australia is starting, the United States dollar has gained close to 25 percent over the last year against the Australian dollar, to 1.27 Australian dollars, bolstering Americans’ buying power. On top of that, resorts from Uluru to Melbourne are offering discounts of as much 30 percent to lure guests amid the travel slump.”

“Jetting around the country has also gotten cheaper. Qantas has been offering its Aussie AirPass, which includes an international round-trip ticket and three domestic Australian flights for as low as $999. Virgin Blue is offering its own air-pass deal from 69 Australian dollars a flight.”

“New Zealand, where the United States dollar has been buying about 1.60 local dollars, is also trying to bank on its increasing affordability with comparisons to Europe. “Compared to a holiday in the U.K. or Europe, it’s like getting a champagne vacation on a beer budget,” states its tourism Web site,.”