Marble Industry

The Monroe marble enthusiasts of Kentucky are not only marble crafters they’re international marble champions. Check out this article I found from GoNOMAD called, The Marbles of Monroe County, Kentucky. You can get your own marble handmade and play a game with the manufacturers in the Super Dome. Read more below.

“The Monroe Marble Super Dome isn’t like any superdome or sports complex you’ve ever seen. To say it’s nothing fancy is an understatement; it’s more shack than arena. But one thing is certain — it’s magical.
For every day, just before sunset, time stands still while grown men and kids alike get down on their knees in fools gold-colored sand. With childlike glee, they flick homemade flint marbles with their thumbs until nightfall.
Deep in southern Kentucky, just a stone’s throw from the breathtaking Cumberland River, is the unassuming town of Tompkinsville. And there, just down Armory Road, sits a dilapidated white, wooden, barn-like structure — the “Marble Dome” as locals call it.
Although it was built in 1988, it looks to be about 100 years old.
“It isn’t really weather-proof,” says one old timer, grinning and pointing to foil-lined, cotton-candy-like insulation hanging from the rafters like fly paper. Outside an old man whittles, whistling to himself. Inside, a younger man sits making marbles. On the floor, a half-dozen old-timers play “Rolley-Hole” in the dirt.”
For more check out GoNOMAD!