San Fran – the new standard for GREEN!

Going green is the only way to go these days. If we don’t I am sure you are all aware of what could happen if we don’t make a change. My mother actually sent me a link to an article about a hotel in San Francisco which has set the new standard for “green” hotels across the country. I hope that all hotels across the world will catch on to the green trend and together we can all create a healthier, happier planet. Below is a snippit from “S.F. Hotel Triton Named State Model For Conservation: Green Lodging Program encourages travelers to choose ‘eco chic’”

Next time you take a trip for business or leisure, think about more than whether or not your hotel has a workout room and a breakfast buffet-choose a lodging that puts a priority on taking good care of you and the environment. That’s the message of a new California Integrated Waste Management Board initiative designed to encourage travelers to stay at “green hotels,” hospitality establishments that save energy, water, and resources, and divert waste

“Recycling cans, bottles, and plastic bags is commendable-but it doesn’t go far enough,” “The hospitality industry is a vital partner in our efforts to reduce the environmental impact of our day-to-day business operations and the Hotel Triton’s outstanding conservation efforts prove they are committed to being good stewards of the environment and the economy.”

A model of “eco chic” for its commitment to reducing energy and water consumption, as well as implementing numerous waste reduction practices and emphasizing organic materials, the Hotel Triton ( recycles 60 percent of its waste and exemplifies what it takes to be named to the State’s new Green Lodging Program list.

“Patronizing hotels that go above and beyond for the environment is something we hope every traveler in California will consider,” said Board Member Michael Paparian. “The Hotel Triton is a model Green Lodging facility and we appreciate their voluntary efforts to help California reach zero waste.”

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