Evaluating Colombia’s Tourism Potential

GoNOMAD writer William Karz had the assignment of going to Colombia and evaluating the country’s tourist potential. While having the internal fear of something going terribley wrong, Karz easily overcomes this fear in his safe, refreshing journey. Read about it in his article Cartagena and Medellin, Colombia: No Fears!

“Expecting to find a bulletproof SUV and armed guards waiting for me at the airport to lead me through FARC infested terrain, I was a bit surprised to find a standard tourism van and a young charismatic guide with a smile from ear to ear.Alejandra had just graduated with a degree in tourism and her youthful charm enveloped the van. She was so captivating that I didn’t even realize the sun had set during the one-hour drive from the airport to the city center.

After dinner at a restaurant with expansive views of the cityscape, I asked Alejandra where I might be able to find a bar in order to get a feel for the city’s nightlife. Apparently, that was the question she had been waiting to answer since the airport.

In less than a Medellín minute, she went to the restroom and changed from conservative to casual attire. Judging by her giddy mood and restless feet, I knew we were going clubbing. So I threw on my best pair of shoes and pocketed my camera.

Expecting to find people blowing coke out of a crystal bowl and dancing under a disco ball till sunrise, I couldn’t wait to write the story. When we got in the cab, I asked Alejandra if I could take pictures at the club. She had not seen Blow or Scarface and was rather surprised by my preconceived image of parties in Medellín.”