Surfing in Costa Rica

A first time surfer travels to Costa Rica, and not only learns about surfing, but also herself. Dina V. Montes, a writer for BootsnAll Travel, shares her experience in Costa Rica in her article; Costa Rica: Americanized or Cool Surfing Spot or Both?

“A month before, I would have never considered riding a wave or going to Costa Rica. The first reason being that I had just learned how to swim at the tender age of 29, and the second reason was that Costa Rica had never been one of my top travel destinations. This was a country I heard was very Americanized.

On my first try, I was wiped out because I propped myself too far back, making the surfboard unbalanced. It sucked because I had to swim over the break again, and every time I paddled, my long arms would hit the sides of the board. On my second try, Alvaro told me to concentrate on propping myself in the middle of the board and then told me to get ready, a wave was coming.

After the canopy tour, I headed back to the camp. It was 3 p.m., an hour away from my second surfing lesson. I was hesitant to give it a second try, but I didn’t want to go back to New York without riding a wave.”