
If you are looking for a place to party hard, Oktoberfest is one of the world’s most famous celebrations. Oktoberfest takes place once a year in Munich, in Southern Germany.

In an article on bootsnall.com, an independent travel site, Geoff Clelland said, “The actual fair grounds where the drinking happens are made up of 9 huge beer halls, each owned by a separate beer company. We visited a few during the afternoon, but most of the seating was occupied, so we just found a table that was reserved, sat down and ordered a few beers.

Now the beer glasses they serve beer in here hold 1 liter of beer and are called a mass. We drank several in each beer hall we visited. Lowenbrau was my favorite, although the other brands have slipped from my memory due to the volume of amber ingested at that point. I actually ended up that drunk that I smoked a cigar that I bought from one of the girls walking the beer halls – I gave up the tobacco 6 years ago!

I totally enjoyed my ‘day trip’ to Munich. The Oktoberfest was just one great big party and we ran into people from all over the world. During September / October, you can’t afford to miss this celebration!!”

Click here for a GoNOMAD article about Germany, or here for more info on Oktoberfest.