An Acapulco Spring Break

Parasailing, waterskiing, and windsurfing
are popular sports on Acapulco Bay, Mexico.
(AP Photo/David L. Langford)
My friends went to Acapulco this past spring break and told me that it’s the “new Cancun”. They had the time of their lives and insisted that I look into it for next year.
In an Associated Press article by Will Weissert called, “Acapulco catching up to Cancun”, he says, “For tens of thousands of college students fleeing frozen campuses for a week of sun, sand and Jell-O shots, spring break south of the border has a new home. Acapulco, the Pacific playground of the 1950s for movie stars like John Wayne and Cary Grant, has become a major destination for their great-grandchildren’s generation.
Mario Ricciardelli, CEO of, a website devoted to spring-break travel, said Acapulco is now his company’s top destination and that bookings for the resort are up 70 per cent from 2004, compared to a booking increase of from 10 per cent to 15 per cent this year in Cancun.
As in Cancun, Acapulco’s drinking age is 18, and bars and night clubs crowd the resort’s golden-sand bays.
Students roam from alcohol-soaked pool parties to booze cruises to beach beer blasts by day, then pack into all-you-can drink discotheques at night. But many clubs here require slacks and dress shoes for men, unlike in Cancun. Also, most of the hotels in this city of 800,000 were built decades ago, offering a more traditional feel than the Caribbean resort’s ultramodern facilities.”