Are You Just About to Travel and Sell Your Home? Here are Things You Should Know About Home Inspections

Home inspections are like scenes from a reality TV show playing out right before a person’s eyes. Right from the front door, strangers step into the seller’s personal space and look at every nook and cranny of the area. The search goes on for hours as the strangers open closets, flush toilets, turn everyProperty faucet in the house and run just about any other appliance they find in the property. These strangers then climb the roof and comb every inch of your yard. In this show, you can only stand back, be pleasant and adopt an accommodating expression.

However, if you survive this ordeal without losing your cool, the big payoff is certainly worth it. Home inspections around India are not as common as in the United States, but the practice is certainly gaining a foothold. In the U.S. four in every five homes on the market are evaluated by professional home inspection teams.

These people are hired by potential buyers to ensure that they do not purchase a property that turns out to require more to get in shape than bargained for. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), real estate agents encourage 99 percent of their clients to get house checks done. 84 percent of them heed the advice.

As you sell your property, it is critical that you understand the inspection process, how to prepare for the evaluation, and gain a top sale at the end of the day.

How Does It Work?
A potential buyer will contact you with a purchase contract that includes a clause where your residence has to be checked for any damages, according to an article on CalcXML. The clause in the contract gives the buyer the permission to hire a professional inspector to thoroughly check the home for any deal-breaking problems. Once the contract is signed, you can expect the whole procedure to be done fairly quickly.

Once the appointment is made with the seller, the inspector will arrive at your location with the buyer, and they will go through the entire property. Typically, the whole process takes about three hours and includes checking the building’s structural and mechanical condition. These people will be on the lookout for insects as well as perform any other services as requested by the buyer.

What Next?
Once the inspection is complete, expect a detailed report. In most situations, you should expect there to be some extra negotiation between you and the person buying the place if they have found any problems regarding your property. The difference between what your buyer expected to find when stepping into the transaction and what was uncovered by the report will define what you might be asked to fix.

In such scenarios, the best way to resolve the dispute is by sharing the expense of repairs. Of course, you did not promise to sell a house containing brand new tile flooring, while the person buying the place expected to go 20 years without replacing the current floor. Splitting costs makes for a reasonable and fair way to resolve the problem.

How to Dress
Many sellers do not consider themselves as competitors on the real estate market dealing with priced products. However, if your residence is on the market, you definitely are part of it. Houses are a premium investment and in any location, buyers have the choice of choosing one of hundreds of properties on the market. One way to attract people with the highest prices to your property is by dressing for success.

This means applying a fresh paint job and preparing the landscaping before listing your terrace house on DDProperty. Home inspection will require you to carry out minor repairs. Some of the things you should check include steps, gutters and the roof’s condition.

Inside, thoroughly test every mechanical system. If you have not serviced your AC unit recently, then do so now. Any minor electrical and plumbing repairs should be done now before the procedure begins. Some issues like broken electrical outlets, drippy taps and leaking toilet valves may seem minor, but at least you will have less to worry about during the inspection. It also shows that you are giving your house the right kind of attention.

The Silent Rule
Once you have prepared your property, the best thing to do as the process starts is disappear.  After all, the person making the purchase will not be comfortable discussing any concerns he or she may have with the inspector if you are within earshot. On the other hand, watching the process may feel like watching a doctor carry out open heart surgery while you are awake. Take a walk to keep stress levels low.

Never follow the buyer and inspector around. The former may perceive this as a sign that you are trying to hide a defect and makes it look like you are worried that you might be found out. The person checking the premises will find the behavior annoying and will make the whole process tense. If you are dealing with a person checking your house, the best thing you can do is prepare your house and get out of the way.