Salt Dunes, Gray Flamingos and the Dutch West Indies

You would never expect to encounter pyramids down in the Caribbean, but these mysterious pyramids do exist (also known as sea salt mounds). Contributing writer to Toccoa Switzer paints a beautiful and endearing story about her discovery of the salt dunes, gray flamingos and other elements that crave to be discovered in the Dutch West Indies. Enjoy the excerpts below!

“But it is what lies above the water that captures my attention. At the southern most tip of the island, I notice a range of cone-shaped mountains, the color of snow. They dot the barren landscape like pyramids in an Egyptian desert.

“The expat explains how the island’s dry arid weather and steady trade winds make it an ideal location for solar salt production. The topography also plays a key role.

The flat shoreline allows the sea to fill shallow pools, known as salinas. As the salt water sits, the sun and wind evaporate the water, leaving the salt behind to crystallize.”

“I also learn that flamingos aren’t really pink but grayish-white. The birds change color from feeding in the salt pans. As you drive south on the island past the dive sites you can see a series of ponds, some brown, some green, others coral red depending on their levels of algae and bacteria. The rosier colors reflect higher levels of saline.”