Taste your way around the world

I was fortunate to grow up in a family where both of my parents love food. It was common for my family to sit down to dinner and pig out on dishes of all kinds – whether it was Thai food, Mexican, Greek, Turkish, African, ostrich, crocodile or a combination of many types. This is why I have grown up to be very passionate about food, at least when it comes to eating it, since cooking is still one of my weaker skills! This week on Fodor’s website they listed in their article Culinary Tourist: A Curious Eater’s Checklist, several different authentic dishes from around the world. Check a few of them out below!

Whether a food is exotic or not completely depends on the experience of the person consuming it. Fodor’s editors and writers have had the good fortune and fortitude to have tried the following local specialties.

A Local Treat In: Japan
A kind of pancake made with egg, meat, and vegetables, okonomiyakis

Geitost & Norvegia
A Local Treat In: Norway
Norway’s famous brown goat cheese, Geitost (a sweet, caramel-flavor whey cheese made from goat and cow’s milk) and Norvegia (a Norwegian Gouda-like cheese) are on virtually every table. They are eaten in thin slices, cut with a cheese plane or slicer—a Norwegian invention—on buttered wheat or rye bread.

A Local Treat In: Provence, France
This poached fish dish owes its anise kick to pastis and its garlic punch to aioli. The name comes from Provencal bourrio, which translates less poetically as “boiled.” Monkfish–known as baudroie in Provence and lotte in the rest of France.

A Local Treat In: Argentina
These croissant-like pastries are a cafe breakfast staple and come in two types: de grasa, which tend to be a little drier and skinnier but have a very delicate, mellow taste, and de manteca, which are plump, moist, sweet, and hard not to eat six of at a time.

A Local Treat In: Amsterdam, Holland
This multi-ingredient Indonesian dish with rice, vegetables or meat, and sweet and spicy condiments is a tasty legacy of Dutch colonialism.

Check out more of these at Fodor’s website!