So Much to See from Two Wheels

Thanks to Laurie Ellis and Shady Hartshorne, writers for GoNOMAD, a wonderful question has been answered: “So how do you get someone who’s not really interested in an ‘active vacation’ to agree to a week of biking?” As discussed multiple times on this blog, there is so much to see from two wheels; plus, add in the comfort of the Netherlands flat lands, and we have a winning, healthful destination. See how this couple’s bike adventure turned out in the article Hup Holland! A Netherlands Bike and Boat Adventure.

“Each morning we had breakfast at 8, and left the boat by bike at 9. Timing was important as the boat often had to go through locks to make it to the destination town. We would ride for a while, take breaks at interesting towns or sights, and meet up with the boat later in the day.

The Dutch are practically born on bicycles. Everyone rides. It is not unusual to see a baby in a milk crate that has been attached to the handlebars.

You can’t get upset when someone old enough to be your grandparent passes you. Remember, they’ve been riding their whole lives, and you’re in a group waiting for the slowest member to catch up!

The Netherlands is a land of lush green countryside and canals perfectly suitable for biking. The miles and miles of well-marked, wonderfully maintained and constantly used bike paths crisscross this small country roughly the size of Maryland. You may ride through grassy dunes, or see cows and sheep, horses and ponies grazing peacefully on one side of the path while a canal courses by on the other.”