A Trio of Bohemian Spas

In an article called, “A Trio of Bohemian Spas,” Patricia Schultz wrote about Carlsbad in Bohemia, Czech Republic, which is about 76 miles west of Prague.

She said, “I feel as if I’m in some paradise of innocence and spontaneity,” wrote Goethe, who spent sixteen summers in Karlovy Vary, more commonly known abroad by its German name, Carlsbad. That Beethoven, Brahms, Bach, Liszt, and many others all found inspiration during frequent visits to this spa town speaks volumes. Thanks to the Czech Republic’s geological fault lines, there are more than thirty spa towns in the area still in operation. Carlsbad is the largest and most renowned…

For more than 400 years, the world’s rich and famous have come to “take the waters” of Carlsbad’s twelve natural thermal springs, which range from 76 to 161 degrees Fahrenheit.

Situated in a beautiful and wooded valley, Carlsbad retains an elegant, important air, dominated by handsome 19th century architecture…

Given its rather lazy ambience, the fact that the town boasts a top-ranked golf course (the country’s finest) may come as something of a surprise. For the curious with time and wheels, the third and smallest of the local trio of well-known spa towns is Frantiskovy Lazne (Franzenbad), almost at the German border.